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주식회사 소룩스 Appliances

Company Name 주식회사 소룩스 CEO 김복덕
Business Type Manufacture Main Business Appliances, Appliances
Tel. 032-670-8276 Fax. 032-670-7995
E-mail kdw@solux.co.kr Website http://www.solux.co.kr
Address (420-806) 경기도 부천시 도약로 261 (도당동 187-7,부천대우테크노파크) A동 1302호

Company Information

  • Business Information Solux is a LED Lighting Manufacturer, Solux has continued business for more than 27 years with successful supervision and management of large-scale projects with top construction giants such as Samsung, Hyundai, Posco, etc. Especially we've completed the development of the internal radiation product that can be used in radiation areas inside nuclear power plants. And we registered as a qualified company on KHNP. We have supplied LED Lighting Fixtures for low-radiation and high-radiation areas are being supplied to Shin-Kori Units 5 and 6, which are currently under construction. And by completing the supply to the Gori 3th Power Plant, we have the world's first achievement that an LED lighting fixture was installed and operated inside the reactor. We, Solux Successfully listed on the KOSDAQ stock market last year. with this advanced technician and a strong financial structure, We are actively challenged not only the domestic nuclear power plant market but also the overseas nuclear power plant market.
  • Technology we are registered as a qualified Lighting supplier for Nuclear power plants in Korea. Solux has developed original technologies regarding protection solutions that work even under circumstances exposed to gamma rays without any problem, based on the technology, we have supplied LED lights to replace previous light sources such as fluorescent, metal halide, and incandescent in Nuclear Power plants.
