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주식회사 한국그린전력 Photovoltaic

Company Name 주식회사 한국그린전력 CEO 정재희
Business Type Manufacture,Trade,Architectural, Engineering Main Business Photovoltaic
Tel. 042-223-0178 Fax. 042-223-0175
E-mail greeneng0178@naver.com Website http://www.kogreen.co.kr/
Address (33466) 충남 보령시 중앙로 66 , 가동 3호

Company Information

  • Business Information The out of the ordinary rich experience and know-how.This is Korea Green Electric Power Corporation. Korea Green Electric Power Corporation provides total solutions for solar power generation from development and manufacture of solar structures to implementation and construction of solar power generation projects Based on the results of its own technology development research and abundant experience and know-how, Korea Green Electric Power Corporation introduces optimal solar power plants tailored to each site It is recognized as the best business partner for the solar power business for its reliable solar power generation system, structures using aluminum, and rapid work. As we've done before, Korea Green Electric Power Corporation promises to do its best to satisfy customers with the best quality and reasonable power generation costs for the spread of eco-friendly energy and the bright future of customers.
