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주식회사 테라블록 Bio, etc.

Company Name 주식회사 테라블록 CEO 권기백
Business Type Manufacture Main Business Bio, etc.
Tel. 064-758-2109 Fax. --
E-mail kgh@terrablock.co.kr Website http://terrablock.co.kr
Address 303

Company Information

  • Business Information TerraBlock is a waste plastic recycling company that chemically recycles (depolymerization technology) disposable coffee cups, low-grade waste plastics, and polyester, including PET, the largest source of waste plastics, regardless of color, to produce high-purity recycled TPA (terephthalic acid) and EG (ethylene glycol). We are the first company in Korea to produce recycled TPA and are on the verge of becoming the first company in the world to mass-produce recycled TPA. Our vision is to allow the infinite use of plastic, the most convenient material created by mankind, without polluting the environment, and we are working to become the world's best environmental company.
  • Technology The need for Terrablock’s Depolymerization technology Depolymerization technology is necessary because plastics and fibers such as PET and PU, which are produced by condensation or addition reactions, cannot recover their monomers by pyrolysis, which is technically the only way to realize true resource circulation. The process uses only temperatures below 100 degrees Celsius throughout the process and is both environmentally and economically friendly, with no harmful substances used and no emissions due to the reuse of solvents, catalysts, short reaction times of less than 4 hours, and the use of normal pressure.
